Ice cream trucks don’t make their way through the neighborhoods like they used to, so we’re making it ourselves! Making homemade ice cream is easier than you think, in fact, we bet you have the ingredients for most of these recipes at home already.

Don’t be afraid to try something new this summer and teach your little ones something new!

1. Vanilla Ice Cream

This classic summer treat is perfect for a hot summer day! Try topping it with some fun things in your kitchen like graham crackers or fruit to take it up a notch.

2. Strawberry Ice Cream

Another summer favorite, this pink dessert is super fun for the little princess you have at home! Adding in sprinkles gets every kiddo excited for this one!

3. Passion Fruit Ice Cream

Teaching kids how much fun fruit can be is easy when it’s made into ice cream! Consider trying a new fruit with your little ones by adding in passion fruit to your homemade treat.

4. Orange Creamsicle Ice Cream

I scream, you scream, we all scream for orange cream! This orange creamsicle takes me back to the sunny summer days of my childhood.

5. Chocolate Ice Cream

Finally, everyone’s go-to flavor: chocolate! This messy treat is the perfect way to end a day at the pool or the park before cleaning up.

We can’t wait to hear about how yummy your homemade ice cream was! This activity is perfect for a hot summer sleepover, ice-cream theme, and all!

Bring this ice cream dream to life by scheduling your Sleepovers & Co. event today!